Weekly Market Commentary

The Fourth Quarter Rally We’ve Been Hoping For The S&P 500 and Nasdaq both closed last week at all-time highs. Several weeks ago, we noted improving conditions, which resulted in our reallocation to add risk assets back on during the week of Oct. 21. Other...

Weekly Market Commentary

Week Two of Economic Improvement Last week, we noted overall improvement in underlying economic conditions. That trend has continued. Earnings here in the U.S. have been better than expected, with a number of upside sales surprises. This data suggests that the ongoing...

Weekly Market Commentary

October 21st, 2019 Improvements at Home and Abroad Relatively strong earnings reports over the past week in the U.S. helped push our major stock indexes back within reach of their all-time highs. Banks and other financial firms brought in stellar reports. This has...

Weekly Market Commentary

October 14th, 2019 Does the News Really Matter? Equity markets set politics aside last week and focused on renewed hope of a trade deal between the U.S. and China. Initial reports were that the two countries had agreed to a “phase one” (of several) compromise. It was...

Weekly Market Commentary

October 7, 2019 Chadd Mason The Jury is Still Out Last week saw more of the same volatility that has plagued equity markets since April. Over the past six months there have been no less than five trends encompassing moves up/down in stock prices greater than 5%. These...

Weekly Market Commentary

September 30th 2019 Eyes Wide Open and the Glass Half Full The past week saw continued selling in U.S. equity markets. The S&P 500 ended slightly more than 2% below alltime highs. Given all the recent impeachment noise, mixed messages regarding our trade with...