Is Your IRA Safe From Creditors?

Suppose you unexpectedly incur a major liability, from a lawsuit or some other unforeseen cause. Will the funds in your IRA be protected from your creditors? Maybe … or maybe not. Here are the rules: Federal Law Protection If you own an IRA that you’ve funded yourself...

5 Things to Know About Your IRA Agreement

There is a lot of paperwork involved when you open an IRA account. You have to prove to the bank who you are and that your funds are legitimate. There is an account opening form and a beneficiary form to be completed. After you do all of that, then you get a...

401(K) Contribution Limits and Late RMDs: Today’s Q&A Mailbag

Question: Ed, great article on reasons for taking RMDs early in the year, but here’s the other side of the argument, at least for me (which is why I am responding via email rather than online). My wife and I are both retired.  We have a pension, social security...

How Having Multiple IRAs Can Help Bequest Planning

Having just one IRA instead of several may simplify paperwork and minimize fees. But when you begin to think about leaving IRA funds to heirs, consider using more than one IRA to do so. Here are reasons why:   Preserve Funds for Bequests in a Roth IRA Statistics...