Holiday Wish List 2018: Financial Security

What’s on your loved one’s gift wish list? Are they asking for the latest technology? Fashionable apparel? A must-have toy? No matter the buzz-worthy item, what they may want consider is a gift that lasts a lifetime. Remember, it is just a matter of time before a new...

Fixed Indexed Annuities FAQ

Discover our most frequently asked questions about fixed indexed annuities (FIAs). Get the answers you need to help calculate your path to retirement. What is an annuity? In the most basic sense, an annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company that says...

A Retirement Recipe for a Hearty Turkey Day

Coming to you from the Indexed Annuity Leadership Council (IALC) is a new recipe to add to your Thanksgiving menu. We all have our Thanksgiving favorites, from turkey to stuffing, to sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, and more. But as you sit around your table reflecting on...

7 Surprising Ways Retirement Will Change Your Life

YOU CAN PLAN FOR IT, dream about it and try to visualize it, but there’s no way to tell for sure what retirement will be like for you until after you’ve actually pulled the trigger and left the job. As you contemplate this major life change, remember to...

‘Safer’ harbor for annuities can help fix retirement woes

Americans are living longer into retirement, but the financial solutions needed to support them have not kept pace with their needs. With a number of bipartisan proposals currently under consideration, the U.S. Congress has the opportunity to take significant steps...

Did You Let Retirement Scare You Off This Halloween?

Halloween might get less scary as we age, but there are a lot of frightening aspects of retirement in 2018. In fact, recent data on the state of America’s workforce shows just how underprepared for retirement many Americans are. While running out of money, drastic...