Facts About Life Insurance: Must-Know Statistics in 2022

Purchasing life insurance is a big deal. If you want to be sure your family is covered if something happens to you, choosing the right policy is imperative. Whether you’re looking for the average policy cost or more in-depth knowledge, such as the largest life...

What Every Retirement Saver Needs to Know About 2022

Changes in contribution limits, taxes, Social Security benefits, Medicare premiums and more We all get sentimental from time to time, but unless you hit the lottery or found true love, you probably won’t be looking back on 2021 all too fondly. The COVID-19...

2022: The Year Consumers Discover Annuities

What You Need to Know The government is confusing. Stock market gains are high, for now. The Secure Act is turning employer-sponsored retirement plans into income-planning educators. Have you ever experienced the solution to a problem being in plain sight, only to...

How to Retire Like a Millionaire with $500,000

As volatility creeps back into the marketplace the need for the guarantees that only annuities provide is only going to increase. Retire with $500,000 but Spend Like a Millionaire Inflation (CPI) went up 7 percent in 2021, the highest annual inflation increase since...

Social Security retirement age stops changing in 2022: What to know

New full retirement age is 67 for anyone born after 1960 There is good and bad news for older Americans: The Social Security full retirement age increased again in 2022 for some individuals – but it marks the last year that the age will change. The full retirement age...