
A Devastating Jobs Report For Older Workers

“Jobs Friday” is usually a nerdy day for financial types and economists only. But everyone was watching the most recent jobs report. I had a big drink and told my family to remember May 8. For labor economists, it will be a day to remember. For the first time, even...

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Weekly Market Commentary

May 4th, 2020 Chadd Mason, CEO The Cabana Group Can April's Rally Continue, or is More Economic Disruption on the Horizon? Equity markets finished off April with the biggest monthly gain since 1974. The huge rally followed an even bigger decline in March. Face-ripping...

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3 Ways COVID-19 May Hurt Your Retirement

Here's how the ongoing crisis could wreck your long-term plans -- and what you can do to prevent that from happening. COVID-19 has turned the U.S. economy on its head, battering the stock market and forcing millions of workers into unemployment. But while the crisis...

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Here’s Why COVID-19 Is Your Retirement Fire Drill

Dick has worked as a hospital administrator for 30-plus years. He was planning to retire in a few months. COVID-19 just delayed his plans for many months, or perhaps for years. Reflecting on what the market decline has done to his retirement savings, he conceals his...

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Here’s Why COVID-19 Is Your Retirement Fire Drill

Dick has worked as a hospital administrator for 30-plus years. He was planning to retire in a few months. COVID-19 just delayed his plans for many months, or perhaps for years. Reflecting on what the market decline has done to his retirement savings, he conceals his...

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Safety vs. Probability: Planning For Retirement

As we progress through life, we find there are certain things we can control and others we cannot. However, even with the things we can’t control, we can exercise good judgement based on facts, due diligence, historical patterns and a risk/reward calculation. These...

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